Please note that these are live events that will not be recorded, whether they are in-person or conducted through Zoom.
Stylistic Editing with Carolyn Brown – March 6, In-Person
We are pleased to offer this seminar in-person at Collabüro!
Whether you edit novels, reports, websites or magazines, stylistic editing is a key skill. Editors Canada’s professional editorial standards define stylistic editing as “editing to clarify meaning, improve flow, and smooth language.” It is the domain of those editors who want to communicate: to get the message from the author to the reader accurately, honestly, and even elegantly. It also relies on developing that rare commodity, editorial judgment.
This seminar is based on the Editors Canada standards for this skill, but it will also look at how stylistic editing is done in a variety of publishing settings. Expectations for stylistic editing can vary widely. How can editors adapt to the needs of their employers and clients?
What we’ll cover
The context for stylistic editing:
- Who are the readers, and how does that determine the approach to stylistic editing?
- What is the medium, and how does that affect the approach?
- What is the purpose, and how does stylistic editing help communicate that purpose?
Judgment in approaching editing decisions:
- Paragraph-level decisions (length, structure, logical flow, connection with other paragraphs)
- Sentence-level decisions (length, sentence construction, logical flow, connectors, as well ascommon problems such as passive voice, noun strings, etc.)
- Word-level decisions (word choice geared to readers, omission of unnecessary words)
The stylistic editing toolkit:
- Subordination and coordination
- Affirmative constructions
- Judicious use of passive voice
- Disentangling noun strings
- Resolving ambiguity
- Strengthening verbs and correcting nominalizations
- Reorganizing paragraphs and sentences
- Gentle rewriting
- Working with visuals (illustrations, photos, tables, graphs)
Communicating with authors:
- When and who to query
- Using Comments to query
- Whether and when to use Track Changes
- Amount and level of editing
- When to honour the author’s voice
The approach to this seminar will involve lively discussions, tales from the trenches, and hands-on exercises. Join us for an enriching and informative day devoted to our craft.
About the Instructor
Carolyn Brown is a Certified Professional Editor and Editor in the Life Sciences. She has edited a wide variety of material for 35 years, specializing in scientific and medical publications for the past 25 years. She is the author of the chapter on citation in Editing Canadian English 2nd edition and a perennial seminar leader.
Date, Time and Location
Date: Wednesday 6 March, 2024
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm EST
Location: Collabüro
499 Preston Street, Ottawa, ON K1S 4N7
Registration closes: Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 11:59pm
Réviser une traduction: de la qualité dans la fidélité avec Badou Bousso – Virtuel, mai 15 & 22
Cette formation s’articule autour de la révision comparative. Autrement dit :
- De quoi s’agit-il?
- Comment réviser un texte dont l’original est en anglais?
- Quelles sont les difficultés communément rencontrées?
- Quelles techniques adoptées pour déjouer les pièges?
Connaissances requises
- Principes de la révision
- Base solide en stylistique
- Quelques connaissances en théorie de la traduction (un atout)
Public cible
- Réviseurs et réviseures bilingues
- Traducteurs et traductrices
- Néophytes
Badou Bousso est traducteur professionnel, enseignant de langue et réviseur. Il a travaillé à l’interne et comme pigiste pendant près de deux décennies. Il a été réviseur et traducteur en chef à la Société de protection des infirmères et infirmiers du Canada. Ses expériences professionnelles l’ont mené aux États-Unis ainsi qu’en France. Badou travaille actuellement comme coordonnateur du contenu dans une organisme à but non lucratif de la Capitale Nationale. À ce titre, il crée, met à jour et révise du contenu interne pour le service des adhésions, et contribue également au site Web de l’organisme. Badou a reçu son agrément en gestion des connaissances en 2011. Il utilise son expertise dans ce domaine pour favoriser la collaboration, l’apprentissage, l’amélioration des processus et le langage clair. Il a été lauréat de plusieurs prix de l’Ottawa Regional Contact Centre (ORCCA) de 2012 à 2019. Grand amateur de littérature classique et de langues, il espère terminer (un jour) ses études de doctorat en littérature francophone.
Badou vit à Gatineau et est le responsable des relations francophones pour Réviseurs Canada (Ottawa-Gatineau).
Date & Heure
Date: mercredi 15 et mercredi 22 mai 2024
Heure: 9h à 12h
Platforme: Zoom
Fin des inscriptions: mercredi 8 mai 2024 à 23h59
Registration fees
and policies
Virtual Seminar | In-Person Seminar | |
Members | $225 + tax | $350 + tax |
Non-members | $375 + tax | $500 + tax |
Student members
Students members are eligible for a 50% discount on seminars! Please contact us to receive your coupon code to apply at checkout.
Cancellation policy
If Editors Ottawa-Gatineau cancels a seminar, we will refund your paid registration fee in full.
If you wish to cancel your registration, the following terms apply:
- You must send an email to to notify us that you are canceling your registration.
- If you cancel within 48 hours of registering, we will issue a full refund.
- If you cancel before registration closes (up to one week before the seminar), we will refund 50 percent of your paid registration fee.
- If you cancel after registration closes (within seven days of the seminar), no refund is possible.
Contact for all seminar registration and cancellation enquiries.